
data class MBFaceStatusTexts(var faceTooFarAway: String = "Face too far away", var faceTooFarUp: String = "Face too far up", var faceTooFarDown: String = "Face too far down", var faceTooFarLeft: String = "Face too far left", var faceTooFarRight: String = "Face too far right", var faceTooClose: String = "Face too close", var faceNotFound: String = "Face not found", var tooManyFaces: String = "Too many faces", var validFace: String = "Valid face")

Data class representing text messages associated with various face statuses.

Use this data class to customize text messages for different face statuses, such as face position, distance, or validation.


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constructor(faceTooFarAway: String = "Face too far away", faceTooFarUp: String = "Face too far up", faceTooFarDown: String = "Face too far down", faceTooFarLeft: String = "Face too far left", faceTooFarRight: String = "Face too far right", faceTooClose: String = "Face too close", faceNotFound: String = "Face not found", tooManyFaces: String = "Too many faces", validFace: String = "Valid face")


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Text message for when the face is not found. Default is "Face not found".

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Text message for when the face is too close. Default is "Face too close".

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Text message for when the face is too far away. Default is "Face too far away".

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Text message for when the face is too far down. Default is "Face too far down".

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Text message for when the face is too far left. Default is "Face too far left".

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Text message for when the face is too far right. Default is "Face too far right".

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Text message for when the face is too far up. Default is "Face too far up".

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Text message for when there are too many faces detected. Default is "Too many faces".

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Text message for when a valid face is detected. Default is "Valid face".