
data class MBCameraOptions(val targetResolution: MBTargetResolution = MBTargetResolution.HD_720, val previewScaleType: MBPreviewScaleType = MBPreviewScaleType.FIT_CENTER, val cameraPosition: MBCameraPosition = MBCameraPosition.FRONT, val orientation: MBOrientation = MBOrientation.PORTRAIT)

Data class representing options for configuring the camera.


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constructor(targetResolution: MBTargetResolution = MBTargetResolution.HD_720, previewScaleType: MBPreviewScaleType = MBPreviewScaleType.FIT_CENTER, cameraPosition: MBCameraPosition = MBCameraPosition.FRONT, orientation: MBOrientation = MBOrientation.PORTRAIT)


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The position of the camera (front or back). Default is front-facing camera.

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The scaling type for the camera preview. Default is FIT_CENTER.

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The target resolution for the camera. Default is HD resolution (720p).